
Thursday 19 January 2012

Final images for The Lost Mariner.

These images were produced with history in mind, all the history he has missed out on, I researched various newspapers and various events over the last sixty years, and made sure the newspaper stencils were relevant to the images in which they are featured.

Another variation, the ripped paper adds a nice simple effect of clouds. 

First attempt at final image, however the plane wasn't visible enough. 

This image started it all, the bold image of the plane in the foreground dominating the image, however the hectic background throwing information at you also catches the eye. It resembles all the events he has witnessed or heard about through the media, all of which is forgotten due to the overpowering memory of the war, which dominates his entire consciousness. 

And here is the final image, similar to the previous ones, but with more emphasis on the plane and the overall composition being greater. 

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